Numerous State agencies provide planning, design, construction, interagency coordination, grant funding, and regulatory guidance of studies and projects that are relevant to the Los Angeles River:
- California Coastal Conservancy -- The Coastal Conservancy acts with others to preserve, protect, and restore the resources of the California Coast. Their vision is of a beautiful, restored, and accessible coastline. Coastal Conservancy Programs and Projects
- California Department of Water Resources -- The mission of the California DWR is to manage the water resources of California in cooperation with other agencies, to benefit the State's people, and to protect, restore, and enhance the natural and human environments.
- California Resources Agency -- The mission of the California Resources Agency is to restore, protect and manage the state's natural, historical and cultural resources for current and future generations using creative approaches and solutions based on science, collaboration and respect for all the communities and interests involved. Numerous bond programs are available through this agency.
- California State Parks -- The mission of this agency is to provide for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state's extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation. Los Angeles State Historic Park Rio de Los Angeles State Park
- Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy -- Through direct action, alliances, partnerships, and joint powers authorities, the Conservancy's mission is to strategically buyback, preserve, protect, restore, and enhance treasured pieces of Southern California to form an interlinking system of urban, rural and river parks, open space, trails, and wildlife habitats that are easily accessible to the general public.
- Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) -- The MRCA is dedicated to the preservation and management of local open space and parkland, watershed lands, trails, and wildlife habitat. The MRCA manages and provides ranger services for almost 60,000 acres of public lands and parks that it owns and that are owned by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC), or other agencies, and provides comprehensive education and interpretation programs for the public. The MRCA works in cooperation with the Conservancy and other local government partners to acquire parkland, participate in vital planning processes, and complete major park improvement projects. The MRCA provides natural resources and scientific expertise, critical regional planning services, park construction services, park operations, fire prevention, ranger services, educational and leadership programs for thousands of youth each year, and is one of the lead agencies providing for the revitalization of the Los Angeles River. The website is a service of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and is maintained by the Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority. It includes a listing of SMMC parks along the Los Angeles River in the San Fernando Valley region and downstream of Griffith Park.
- San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy -- The San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy was created by the California legislature in 1999. One of nine conservancies within the California Resources Agency, their mission is to preserve open space and habitat in order to provide for low-impact recreation and educational uses, wildlife habitat restoration and protection, and watershed improvements within their jurisdiction. Projects (active and completed)
- State Water Resources Control Board - Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board -- The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB) protects ground and surface water quality in the Los Angeles Region, including the coastal watersheds of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, along with very small portions of Kern and Santa Barbara Counties. The Los Angeles Regional Board is one of nine Regional Boards statewide. These Boards are part of the California Environmental Protection Agency (CAL/EPA), along with the Air Resources Board, the Department of Pesticide Regulation, the Department of Toxic Substance Control, the California Integrated Waste Management Board, and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment.