Visit the Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project Homepage For Full Project Information
The project will include the 12-acre Sixth Street Park, Arts, River and Connectivity Improvements Project (Sixth Street PARC), located under and adjacent to the new Sixth Street Viaduct. The space will connect Boyle Heights, the Arts District and the Los Angeles River. Like the viaduct replacement, the Sixth Street PARC is being led by the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering.
Please Note: The environmental scoping period for the proposed Sixth Street PARC Project begins today and will end on May 15, 2017. The Notice of Preparation (NOP) and NOP/Initial Study is available online here: http://eng2.lacity.org/techdocs/emg/sixthstreet_parks_arts.htm and here: http://www.sixthstreetviaduct.org/environmentalreview.
The public scoping meeting will be on Weds, May 3 at 6:00 pm at the Puente Learning Center in Boyle Heights.