The City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP) Metro and Valley Divisions with support from the Mayor’s Office of City Services, LARiverWorks and Council Offices 2, 3, 4 and 13 brought Angelenos and visitors to LA River-adjacent parks in Summer 2017 through movie screenings and active recreation activities. The events were planned to encourage healthy lifestyles, community bonding and to raise community river revitalization awareness. Hosting six community events at four river parks provided an incredible outreach opportunity for the Department, as parents and children were able to engage with the Recreation Center staff in a more casual and unique environment.
Read about 2017 Summer: Down by the LA River! below. Check out information here to visit river-adjacent parks and the LARiverWay bike path all year-long (except for rain event closures). We look forward to Summer 2018 fun by the Los Angeles River!
RAP Metro Division – Ferraro Fields and N Atwater Park
One hundred participants enjoyed RAP Metro Division movie screenings of ‘Sing’ with karaoke on 8/12 and ‘The Secret Life of Pets’ with a best dressed doggie contest on 8/26 and amazing race family fitness days on 6/24 and 7/22 along the River at Ferraro Fields (Councilmember David Ryu, Council District 4) and N Atwater Park (Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell, Council District 13).

RAP Valley Division – Reseda Park and N Weddington Park
RAP Valley Division welcomed several hundred parents, children and teenagers to the Reseda Park (Councilmember Bob Blumenfield, Council District 3) Summer Carnival 7/7-7/9. Attendees had the opportunity to enjoy daytime and nighttime carnival rides, games and interpretive River Signs despite recorded heat during the day.
On 6/14, 45 5-12 year old Camp Cool Kids Campers embarked on a fun & exciting “All about the LA River” Scavenger Hunt at North Weddington Park (Councilmember Paul Krekorian, Council District 2). Prior to the Scavenger Hunt, campers were given a brief history on the LA River by Park Director, Danica Carroll. Campers played a few rounds of kickball and enjoyed their lunch adjacent to the River to close the day. The Reseda Park Incredible Race, Scavenger Hunt took place on 7/26 composed of eighty-five RAP campers with a few dozen members of the general public. RAP staff led scavenger groups given environmental items to hunt for all around the park, including the LA River. It was sponsored in kind by Walgreens, who provided water and trail mix granola bars.

Over 100 families in the Toluca Lake/North Hollywood community gathered on 8/17 at North Weddington Park to enjoy the movie ‘Sing’ under the stars. Picnic baskets, warm blankets and smiles filled the entire south area of the park adjacent to the newly renovated Shane’s Inspiration inclusive Playground. Complimentary popcorn and cotton candy was handed out to attendees by the North Hollywood High School student council.